1. How often do you check your bank account?
0%A. Daily
0%B. Weekly
0%C. Monthly
0%D. Rarely
2. How do you typically pay for purchases?
A. Cash
B. Debit Card
C. Credit Card
D. Mobile Payment
3. How do you save for emergencies?
A. I don't save, I live paycheck to paycheck
B. I keep a small amount of cash in my savings account
C. I have a dedicated emergency fund
D. I don't save for emergencies
4. How do you plan for big purchases?
A. I save up for them over time
B. I use credit cards and pay them off later
C. I don't plan, I just buy what I want when I want it
D. I borrow money from family or friends
5. What is your approach to investing?
A. I don't invest
B. I invest a small amount regularly in low-risk options
C. I take calculated risks for potentially higher returns
D. I don't know much about investing
6. How do you manage debt?
A. I don't have any debt
B. I pay the minimum on my credit card balance each month
C. I make more than the minimum payment and try to pay off d
D. I don't manage my debt, it manages me
7. What is your overall attitude toward money?
A. Money is important for security and peace of mind
B. Money is a means to an end, but not the most important th
C. Money is everything, I will do whatever it takes to get m
D. Money is a necessary evil, I don't enjoy thinking about i
To View Your Results
Add up your answer choices: (Ex. A's = 2, B's =1, etc.)
Mostly A's:
You are like Mike Wheeler, responsible and practical with your finances.
Mostly B's:
Mostly C's:
Mostly D's:
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